Classes & Workshops

Oil Painting II

  • Class starts on: Thursday, March 20, 2025
  • Duration: 6 Weeks
  • Thursdays | 01:30 pm - 04:30 pm
  • Location: Main Campus
  • Fee: $315


Increase your technical oil painting skills through challenging exercises and studies using both brushes and painting knives. Students will explore ways to convey textures, transparency and patterns when painting fabrics and floral subjects. Working from life, we will focus on observing changes in color that indicate light, volume and a sense of space in representational painting. Prereqs: Drawing I; Oil Painting I, or similar exp

Required Supplies

Supply list will be emailed to students upon registration.

Special Notes

6 week class.


Beth Pendleton

Beth is inspired by American impressionists, and endeavors to capture the beauty of our Florida waterways and wildlife using traditional oil paint and methods. Her work has been exhibited at Leu Gardens, the Art League of Daytona Beach, the Casselberry Art House, and the Mt. Dora Center for the Arts. She is currently a member of Studio 807 on Virginia Drive in Orlando, and teaches oil painting and color classes at the Crealdé School of Art.