Welding Workshop – Wall Sculptures for the Home
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Explore a variety of mold-making techniques in creating sculpture works. Students will create molds out of clay, plaster, low temperature wax, alginate, and latex. All materials are provided.
Explore a variety of mold-making techniques in creating sculpture works. Students will create molds out of clay, plaster, low temperature wax, alginate, and latex. All materials are provided.
Create functional sculptures for your house and garden. Explore ways of creating large forms easily with affordable materials. Model sculptures by carving, and construction shapes to be covered, cast and poured in cement. Masonry dye and various surface treatments will be demonstrated in the completion of large garden forms.
Create functional sculptures for your house and garden. Explore ways of creating large forms easily with affordable materials. Model sculptures by carving, and construction shapes to be covered, cast and poured in cement. Masonry dye and various surface treatments will be demonstrated in the completion of large garden forms.
Discover a variety of ways to cast aluminum using experimental techniques. Students will be introduced to alternative model making materials that can be used to create small aluminum sculptures. Make small sculptures with materials that can be burned: plastics, wax, shells, cardboard, wood, etc. Sand casting will also be demonstrated using styrofoam shapes. Metal pour date to be announced at the workshop.
Learn the fundamental process for traditional blacksmithing. Students will use the hammer to forge hot steel on the anvil and learn how to make door handles, hooks, and ornamental scrolls. Practice techniques such as flattening, upsetting, twisting, punching, drawing, and familiarity with the blacksmith forge.