Intro to Drawing and Painting
Explore the fundamentals of drawing and painting. Sample various drawing and painting techniques using different media, including watercolors, acrylics, and oils. Most supplies are provided.
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Explore the fundamentals of drawing and painting. Sample various drawing and painting techniques using different media, including watercolors, acrylics, and oils. Most supplies are provided.
It's all about the finish with a twist. Bring unfinished paintings to the next level, and then begin a new still life, landscape or portrait. Receive one-on-one attention with demonstrations on the contrasts of values, colors, and brushwork and the importance of composition. Get your frames ready!
Learn the fundamentals of the most important art form: drawing. Our goal is to draw realistically and train our eyes to capture what is in front of us. We will see how light and shadow creates form, practice subtle transitions in shading, use of proportions, angles, and more. Anyone can learn to draw, and with practice, you can bring your artistic visions to life. Skill level: Beginner
Develop skills for measuring proportions and angles, drawing tones to show light and volume, perspective and composition. The goal is to learn techniques to draw realistically and develop perceptual awareness.
By breaking down the process of art making into manageable steps, we produce more developed work and gain new insight into our development as artists. Students can bring an object or photo to work from and can use graphite, charcoal, or colored pencils.
Explore figurative drawing with quick gesture studies and longer sustained poses. Draw from the live figure, with an emphasis on anatomy and proportion and the expressive use of materials.
Prereq: PD103 or similar experience
Always wanted to experience the magic of forming clay vessels on the potter’s wheel? Learn to center, open and pull up clay walls. This class may be repeated until confidence is gained.
Always wanted to experience the magic of forming clay vessels on the potter’s wheel? Learn to center, open and pull up clay walls. This class may be repeated until confidence is gained.