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Oil Painting I

Students will learn basic techniques of the alla prima (direct) method of applying oil paint. In addition to paint application and brushwork, students will learn how to mix color using a split-primary palette. Working from still life setups, students will complete one study each week to explore techniques for rendering glass, ceramic, metal, and organic objects. Instruction will focus on teaching students to see and copy value and intensity changes in color. There will be demonstrations of techniques, along with discussions about methods, materials and supplies used in oil painting.

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Fundamentals of Color, Design & Composition

Learn to mix paint pigments to achieve any hue with respect to its value and intensity. Using a Split Primary Palette arrangement of oil paint, exercises will demonstrate the importance of complementary color relationships in mixing. Various color models and suggestions for color harmony in painting will be presented. Discussions will cover basic elements of design and composition in painting.

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Magical Layers in Acrylic Landscapes

Transform your landscapes into a rich tapestry of colors and textures by learning how to use layers of paint in your work. A variety of techniques will be introduced to create depth and dimension so you can take your art to the next level.

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Exploring Abstract Painting PM

This inspiring class offers a fundamental exploration into the beauty of abstract painting. Instruction concentrates on composition, techniques, form, texture, and color. Students will develop their own artistic vision, while referencing the works of contemporary artists. Be ready to paint outside the lines.

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Your Next Level in Watercolor

Explore and experiment with advanced watercolor techniques, color theory, and composition to add depth and interest to their artwork. Using new colors to extend their palette, students will be inspired to create exciting and colorful paintings. Learning the secrets to great design will improve your paintings and encourage you on your painting journey!
Prerequisites: PD104 or similar experience

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Beginning Watercolor (Fri)

Watercolor is a wonderfully mysterious medium. Explore watercolor techniques, color mixing, and learn the value of using a limited palette to gain skills and confidence needed to get you started on your watercolor journey. 

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Beginning Watercolor (Thur)

Watercolor is a wonderfully mysterious medium. Explore watercolor techniques, color mixing, and learn the value of using a limited palette to gain skills and confidence needed to get you started on your watercolor journey. 

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Observing Shapes and Movement in Landscapes

This landscape painting in oil approach simplifies nature’s complexity into precise and visually concise shapes. Through a series of exercises, a unique interpretation of landscapes emphasizing their visual language, will be developed. Master the concepts of subject selection, limited values, movement and color strategy to lay the groundwork for achieving the final goal: creating a stunning painting.
Prereqs: PD120, PD157 or similar experience

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Oil Painting II

Increase your technical oil painting skills through challenging exercises and studies using both brushes and painting knives. Students will explore ways to convey textures, transparency and patterns when painting fabrics and floral subjects. Working from life, we will focus on observing changes in color that indicate light, volume and a sense of space in representational painting. Prereqs: Drawing I; Oil Painting I, or similar exp

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Intermediate Watercolor

Discover and explore the beauty of using a limited palette through demos and critiques. Experiment with traditional watercolor techniques and work towards painting from your own photos.
Pre-req: Beginning Watercolor or similar experience.