
Stacy Barter

Senior Faculty | Painting & Drawing

Stacy Barter’s Oil Paintings depict her intense fascination with light and atmosphere. She is constantly striving to capture depth and dimension in her oil paintings, along with accuracy and light. Working from life, whether it’s outside painting a landscape, or in studio, painting fresh flowers or working with a model is her true passion.

In her 25 years as a full-time professional artist, Stacy has won many top awards in some of the most important organizations and exhibitions in the country and is part of entertainment/celebrity and museum collections.

Stacy teaches workshops throughout the country as well as internationally and is on Senior Faculty at Crealdé School of Art. Her own learning, growth and development are of utmost importance to her as well and she seeks out study with Master Painters she holds in high regard.

In addition to showing ongoing in galleries throughout the country, Stacy has exhibited in many national exhibitions as a member of the Plein Air Painters of the Southeast, Oil Painters of America, The Portrait Society of America, The Impressionists Society of America, The National Oil and Acrylic Painters Society and has won numerous awards in the process. Here are a few of her prized acknowledgements.

Ginger Jar and Pale Roses. 9x12 Oil
In Full Bloom. 10x20 Oil.
Wrapped in Satin. 20x24 Oil.
Light From Above. 20x24 Oil.
Personal Website
Stacy Barter
Selected Awards

2020 Awarded Signature Status, American Artist’s Professional League
2020 Awarded Signature Status, National Oil Painters of America
2020 Third Place Award, Oil Painters of America, Fall Online Showcase, Signature Status
2020 Finalist, Portrait Society of America, Members Only Competition
2020 Honorable Mention, American Impressionists Society, National Exhibition
2020 Award of Excellence, National Oil and Acrylic Painter’s Society
2020 Best Floral Award, American Artists Professional League, Grand National Exhibition
2020 Award of Excellence, Combined Division, Oil Painters of America, International Wet Paint Competition
2020 Judges Choice Award of Excellence, Maitland Art Festival
2019 9th Place, Portrait Society of America, Member’s Only Show, Non-Commissioned Portrait Category
2019 4th Place, Portrait Society of America, Member’s Only Show, Still Life Category
2019 Best in Show – It’s Only Human, The Figure in Art Exhibition, Crealdé School of Art
2019 Best of Category, Maitland Art Festival
2019 Best in

Permanent Collections

Permanent collection, Albin Polasek Museum and Sculpture Garden
Permanent collection of The Gulf Coast Museum of Art and Leepa Rattner Museum